Tuesday, 1 April 2014


Few years ago I met a few new friends.  Marshall and Lily a couple madly in love, an awesome stud Barney, an independent fun loving Lady Robin and a romantic believer of destiny, Ted.
I still remember the first time I saw the first episode of How I Met Your Mother, I dint expect it to be a show that actually touched my heart. HIMYM taught me a lot of things.
The HIMYM gang thought us about patience, about destiny and how destiny happens at the right place and at the right time. I have learned that destiny is something that happens no matter you want it or not. It thought us that things happen for a reason.  There is always an explanation to why things dint workout, somewhere in the coming future.
HIMYM thought us how to value friendship and that true friendship lasts forever. It made me realize that every moment spent with my dear friends is Legen-wait for it- Dary, Legendary! As Barney says it. ;-)
Watching the final episode of HIMYM bought tears in my eyes making me realize that the 10 year old long story of Ted Mosby is now over, so what next? Now it’s time to step out and live our life the way HIMYM gang lived it. This show was more than a show to me, it was something that touched my heart and helped me change in many ways.
How I Met Your Mother helped me to be a Dreamer like Marshal, independent like Robin, caring like Lily, loving like Ted and aw
esome like Barney so that we can live our life to the fullest and meet our dreams(Mother).

So now it’s time to step out and live our life to the fullest and follow our dreams making it come true, so that we all can say life is awesome and what everything we do is going to be Legend…wait for it…..Go live it to the fullest…Dary!!  LEGENDARY!!